National Caregivers Day
Every year on the third Friday of February, we celebrate National Caregivers Day, when we honor the caregivers in our lives, both paid and unpaid, for the compassionate support they provide to those who need extra care. Providers Association for Home Health and Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) instituted National Caregivers Day in 2015, and it was first celebrated in 2016.
Brio Living Services’ caregivers include certified nurse assistants (CNAs), Resident Care Assistants (RCAs), and direct care supervisors, to name just a few of the many caregiving positions we offer at Brio Living Services, all of whom provide direct care on a daily basis for the older adults we serve. The job of caregiver can be challenging, but there are benefits as well. “At the end of the day, it’s tough, but it’s very rewarding,” says Dee Williams, an RCA at Towsley Village, the memory care center at Chelsea Retirement Community (CRC). Interacting with the residents makes the challenges worth it for her. “Anything to make the residents laugh. That is my goal, to make their day a little bit easier.”
Dee has been a team member at Towsley Village for 17 ½ years, and, during that time, she has learned many important lessons. What has been the most valuable lesson? “Patience,” she says. “Patience is extremely valuable to these residents.” This skill has translated to her personal life as well. “It also made me have more patience out in the world,” she says.
Her favorite thing about being a caregiver is, “The residents,” she says. “I love my residents. Every day is different. Each one has their own special personality, so your job is never the same.” She adds, “The sense of humor they have is amazing.”
Dee loves her job so much that she recruited her daughter, Jayda Stephenson, to be an RCA at Towsley Village as well, where they are group partners in the same neighborhood. “We work together every day, and the residents love that,” Dee says. “They get a kick out of it. They don’t remember our names, but they remember we’re mother and daughter.” Dee recalls bringing Jayda to Towsley Village when she was around 2 years old for Parents’ Day, and now Jayda has worked there with her mom for about 3 years.
All of us at Brio Living Services want to wish our dedicated, compassionate caregivers across the organization a Happy National Caregivers Day! Thank you for all you do to care for older adults and their families!
Interested in becoming a caregiver for Brio Living Services? Visit our job openings page to learn more about a career you’ll love.