Confusion often arises surrounding the term “skilled nursing.” It is helpful to consider that skilled nursing is a description of the type of service that is offered. The need for skilled nursing services does not automatically necessitate placement in a center, because skilled services are available in a variety of care settings.


Skilled Care Centers

Skilled care centers, such as Kresge Rehabilitation and Skilled Care Center, serve as licensed healthcare residences for individuals who require a higher level of medical care. Skilled, licensed, clinical staff are available to provide 24-hour medical attention.  Our centers are commonly used for short-term rehabilitative stays in a comfortable atmosphere that provides the highest level of physical, speech, occupational, and respiratory care to our patients.


How do I know which skilled care center is right for me?

When researching care centers, whether you are looking for skilled nursing services or an assisted living option, be sure to ask about certifications and regulations and exactly who enforces them.

At Kresge Rehabilitation and Skilled Care Center, doctors throughout Michigan routinely refer patients for short-term medical, nursing, and rehabilitation needs. Our center is considered a Preferred Provider with our local doctors and hospitals, and has received a 5-STAR rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for quality and patient experience, which places us in the top 10% of all skilled care centers in the United States.


Always look for a center that finds ways to improve the lives of its staff and patients

Recently, Kresge was awarded $7,000 from the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation – Anna Botsford Bach Fund for Seniors. This one-year grant will support caregiver training in the Household Model of Care to create the Heart of the Home at UMRC’s Kresge Rehabilitation and Skilled Care Center at its Chelsea Retirement Community campus.


“This grant will help provide intensive training in the Household Model that will empower caregivers, promote greater job satisfaction, and provide greater autonomy for residents and caregivers alike,” says Jena Wisely, Associate Executive Director/Administrator with Kresge Rehabilitation and Skilled Care Center.


The next time you search for a Skilled Care Center, remember to ask questions, check ratings, and see why Kresge Rehabilitation and Skilled Care Center should be your #1 choice on the ROAD TO RECOVERY.