Assisted Living Open House
July 20, 12 - 4 P.M.
Chelsea Retirement Community
805 W Middle St.
Chelsea, MI 48118
When you want to remain as independent as possible, but just need a little added support, consider Glazier Commons Assisted Living and The Oasis at Chelsea Retirement Community. Before you move in, we’ll assess your physical and cognitive needs to ensure we offer the appropriate level of assistance. Once your needs are established, we create a plan of support that is focused on you and your wellness. We then conduct ongoing assessments to determine whether it’s time for additional support.
Alzheimer’s: It’s a Disease, NOT a Disgrace™ with Speaker Jim Mangi, PhD
Hear the story of Jim Mangi, PhD — retired environmental scientist, business owner and, for the last 14 years, caregiver to his wife who has Younger Onset Alzheimer’s. Following the presentation,
enjoy a complimentary meal to-go!
Wednesday, August 10th, 3:00 p.m.
Chelsea Retirement Community
805 W Middle St.
Chelsea, MI 48118
Join us!
Please RSVP by August 3rd for our Alzheimer's event.
Fill out and submit the form or call 734.212.8148.
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