Huron Valley PACE Hosts MDHHS Community Listening Session
Huron Valley PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) will host the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) for a community listening session on Thursday, August 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at its day health center, located at 2490 Ellsworth Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. This session will provide an opportunity for older adults to offer feedback on options for person-centered, long-term care.
MDHHS is currently engaged in a project to enhance the State’s long-term care system by implementing person-centered independent options counseling (IOC) services. The goal of this project is to ensure that Michiganders have access to the options counseling services that can help them decide whether long-term care services are necessary and, if so, which pathway and service options best suit their needs and preferences.
“Most people who need long-term care aren’t aware of the available options and feel like their choices are limited,” said Tammy Lemmer, State Assistant Administrator for MDHHS’ Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports. “This means they don’t get the support they need, making it hard for them to remain home and independent. Many long-term care decisions are made at a point of crisis, often leading to even fewer options and less than optimal outcomes.”
“We are delighted to host this event which will offer older adults in our local community the opportunity to learn more about their care options, including PACE,” said Sonja Love Felton, LMSW, MPA, Executive Director of Huron Valley PACE. “We appreciate MDHHS coming to Huron Valley PACE to let older adults know they have choices and options for person-centered care.”
MDHHS and Huron Valley PACE welcome the community to attend this listening session and share their feedback which will help guide the direction of this project. Those wishing to attend should contact Huron Valley PACE Marketing Director Lindsay Mann-Shanahan at 734.879.0323.