Local Faith-Based Senior Living Organization Commended for Excellence
Senior living organization Brio Living Services, formerly United Methodist Retirement Communities (UMRC) & Porter Hills, is proud to announce that it has earned EAGLE reaccreditation with commendation, the highest possible level, from the EAGLE Accreditation Commission of the Methodist Ministries Network. EAGLE, or Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence, is the only faith-based accrediting body in the world that focuses on ministries for older adults and children. Brio Living Services is one of just eight older adult ministries in the nation to achieve EAGLE accreditation and the only one in Michigan.
EAGLE recognizes organizations that voluntarily go beyond the minimum requirements of licensure to improve operational strategies and outcomes, according to Brio Living Services President & CEO Steve Fetyko.
“EAGLE involves a rigorous self-assessment by the organization and a peer-reviewed accreditation by those who know and understand the work we do,” said Fetyko. “This process takes a holistic view of the entire organization and contains built-in methods to help organizations constantly strive for excellence. EAGLE reviewers may make commendations based on findings of where an organization is achieving distinction, above and beyond what is required, as well as offer suggestions of areas that are opportunities for improvement.”
Brio Living Services earned its initial EAGLE accreditation in 2016 as the United Methodist Retirement Communities, prior to its affiliation with Porter Hills. Due to COVID, Brio Living Services received a continuation of its accreditation through a shortened “bridge” review process in 2022. “This year was the first time that Brio communities across the state, including Chelsea Retirement Community, Porter Hills Village, and others, as well as the UMRC-Porter Hills Foundation, were part of the full accreditation review and site visit in April 2024,” explained Fetyko.
Vice President of Quality, Risk, & Clinical Strategy at Brio Living Services, Missi Latter, MSN, RN, NHA, led Brio’s efforts for reaccreditation. Said Latter, “Brio Living Services received twenty commendations from the EAGLE Accreditation Commission and only one opportunity for improvement, or OFI. To have only one OFI is really remarkable and speaks to the great work of our team members and organization.”
The four-person EAGLE peer review team spent three days on Brio’s campuses and scored Brio at 677.7 out of a possible 645 points, or 105%. Findings from the peer review visit are then shared with the EAGLE Accreditation Commission, which makes the final decision whether or not to grant accreditation. Latter shared that one EAGLE Commissioner spoke highly of the review, stating, “Brio certainly is the gold standard!”
Brio’s EAGLE reaccreditation is effective until April 2028. In the official reaccreditation announcement to Brio Living Services received in August, President & CEO for Methodist Ministries Network Mary Kemper stated, “We commend Brio’s governing board and staff for their commitment to excellence. We celebrate your success and extend our thanks for your commitment to EAGLE.”