Meet our Donors - Jim and Marie Preston
Jim Preston says his first knowledge of Porter Hills Village in Grand Rapids was walking by it on the 16th fairway while golfing. However, he and his wife, Marie, would soon become intimately involved with Porter Hills, now Brio Living Services.
Jim was invited to serve on the Porter Hills board in 1998 by friends he had become acquainted with through the Grand Rapids Rotary and other civic organizations. In 1999, Jim and Marie gained a family perspective on the importance of Porter Hills when Marie’s parents and aunt needed care.
“The three of them were living in Florida at that time,” shares Marie. “While my mom was still in good health, my dad had early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and my aunt required nursing care. My mom was trying to care for both of them. We made the decision to move all three of them to Porter Hills Village where they could each receive the level of care they needed. They could all be on the same floor so Mom could easily visit them. During their stay, we used nearly every service at Porter Hills. The way the staff loved all my family was the most important thing.”
Marie adds, “The team members show such dignity to the older adults they care for. It says, ‘you matter and I see you.’ The team members give so much of their love, care, and skills. They deserve to have the same dignity shown to them.”
For this reason, Jim and Marie have been long-time donors to the UMRC-Porter Hills Foundation, including to the Team Member Support Services Fund, and have made a planned gift in their estate. Jim also provided 28 years of faithful service on both the corporate and Foundation boards. Jim says their gifts and personal involvement are their way of giving back to the organization that took such good care of their family.
“Part of the reason we give is to be a good example,” says Jim. “Worthy causes can only exist with the support of donors.”
You can make a difference in the lives of the older adults we serve and to our outstanding team members! Make a secure online donation today or call 734.433.1000 ext. 7502 or 616.577.2297 to learn more about the UMRC-Porter Hills Foundation!