The Porter Hills Women’s Board is disbanding after more than 50 years of faithful service to the residents of Porter Hills Village. Its purpose was “to work in a volunteer capacity to give service, supply a personal touch, and aid in promoting the general welfare and happiness of the residents of Porter Hills.”
Over the years, the Porter Hills Women’s Board has enriched the lives of residents in myriad ways, including driving residents to appointments, organizing the first beauty shop, decorating for holidays, running the PX store, and setting up the library. More recently, they helped with the purchase of the bus and renovations for the YMCA Generations Child Development Center. Their fundraising efforts have also supported the Benevolent Care Fund at Porter Hills Village.
“What we all liked was the personal touch and really making a difference in the lives of the residents,” says Lexy McCulloch, the group’s current treasurer. Both she and her sister, Suzanne Moore, joined the Women’s Board in 2004. As Library Committee Chair, Lexy purchased books, and she and Suzanne brought a book cart to the Health and Rehabilitation Center (HRC) twice a month. “It was really wonderful to introduce a new book to the residents,” says Lexy.
Becky Verker, the current Women’s Board president, has served the group for four years and is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. “Many of my friends served on the Board, and I knew several people living at Porter Hills Village.”
Becky coordinated the monthly HRC resident birthday celebrations. “All residents were invited, and every month we chose a theme and music for the party,” says Becky. “Some residents who couldn’t communicate very well really responded to the music and would sing or dance.”
Porter Hills Village Executive Director Cheryl Van Bemden says, “We are so grateful for the Women’s Board’s commitment and the many contributions they have made over the years. Their willingness to volunteer their time and their compassion for the residents has made such a difference.”
For more information about Porter Hills Village and Brio Living Services, visit: MyBrio.org/porter-hills-village/.