Local Senior Living Organization Hosts Visit From AARP Michigan
Brio Living Services’ GREEN HOUSE® Homes
Represent ‘Golden Standard’ for Long-term Care
Brio Living Services’ GREEN HOUSE® Homes
Represent ‘Golden Standard’ for Long-term Care
August is Wellness Month! Brio Living Services’ Guiding Beliefs are based on our founding principals and include: Integrity, Wellness, Inclusiveness, Stewardship, Excellence, and Community.
Prairie Cottages resident Fred Junger was walking through Dancey House at Chelsea Retirement Community (CRC) when Independent Living Life Enrichment Coordinator Hazel Mead asked him, “What do you know about chickens?” “Absolutely nothing!” was Fred’s reply. But he decided to give it a try.
The Annual West Michigan Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® awards celebration was held earlier this week in Grand Rapids.
Beginning July 1st and running through July 14th, residents at The Pines Senior Apartments in Chelsea will have their amazing artwork on display.
During the month of June, often thought of as a time of love and nuptials, a variety of wedding-related items are on display on the Dancey House Mezzanine at Chelsea Retirement Community (CRC).
Happy Father’s Day from Brio Living Services! While this is a time to celebrate the fathers and other important male figures in our lives, it is important to acknowledge that June is also Men’s Health Month, with an emphasis on mental health.
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, offering an opportunity to hold a conversation about the brain. As dementia continues to affect more and more older adults and their care partners, it is crucial to identify ways we can focus on the abilities of those living with dementia.
We at Brio Living Services strive to carry out our Guiding Beliefs every single day. But specifically, today we would like to highlight our Guiding Belief of Inclusiveness in honor of Pride Month. We welcome all, regardless of faith, national origin, or any aspect of human diversity, and want all who live, work, and receive […]
May is Leave a Legacy Month in Michigan. If there is a charitable cause or organization you are passionate about – like the UMRC & Porter Hills Foundation – Leave a Legacy Month could be the perfect time for you to consider creating or updating your will.